The appointment is at 11am, so we need to be at the hospital at 9am.
I am scared, I am excited, I am all sorts of things. I don't know what to do with myself.
This is a short post, I just wanted to let you all know why I may be missing in blog land for awhile. Hopefully when I come back, we will have moved to our new URL (you can email me for that at
I will be updating on Twitter when I can, if you want to keep up!
And for fun, here is my 39 week belly shot (I am SO glad that I didn't get any stretch marks, so that my scar can shine alone in all it's glory, ugh).

8 comments to We're having a baby....TOMORROW!!!:
I am so excited for you! Happy Birthday Baby Chilla!
YAY!! So excited for you guys. Best of luck for a smooth, healthy, and happy birthday for baby and family!
Great news!!! All the best for tomorrow!
Yay for you!
Yay for no stretchies! I didn't get any either with my first.
And I had a CS. They make the incision so low, and it fades eventually. It didn't ruin me, I guess I would be out if I wanted to do porn some day (no thanks), but I can wear a bikini with nothing to worry about.
I'm so excited for you guys!
yay you! good luck today!
So exciting!!!! I guess by now you've had your little baby!!!! Can't wait to hear how it all went.
And your belly looks amazing! How'd you avoid the stretch marks?
Anyway, CONGRATS! Can't wait to read your next post as soon as you are ready!
Thinking of you and cannot wait to hear the big news!!!
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